A Horse For All Reasons – Guest Blog by Lucy from Horse Factbook
While today many of us don’t consider where horses came from its interesting to think that they all descended from just one tiny animal, known as Eohippus, that lived around 60 million years ago and was no bigger than a small dog. Having evolved, over the centuries...
How To Deal With A Spooky Horse Trail Riding
One of the most common questions I get as a horse trainer is about how to stop horses from spooking on the trail spooky horses on the trail. Lets face it, when you are on a horse that spooks it can feel pretty scary! So why do horses spook? In the wild horses are...
Our Top 20 Amazon Equestrian Products
Product Review For Equine Products on Amazon Here are the top 20 Amazon products that our barnies use and love. If you want more information on the product just click on the image 1.Pacific Husky Pair pet grooming gloves – we can’t say enough about this product. The...
How To Teach Your Horse To Ground Tie
What Is Ground Tying? Ground tying is when a horse stands in the place you ask him to stand without being tied to anything and he doesn’t move away. It is an exercise I teach every horse I train and it can be an important part of building our relationship together. ...
4 Ways You Can Be GREAT At Horsemanship
WHAT IS HORSEMANSHIP? Horsemanship is about communication with the horse and a persons’ ability to understand and connect in a way that the horse responds to the person. A LITTLE HISTORY The history of horsemanship is a huge one as man and horse have had a...
11 Horse Riding Position Fixes To CHANGE Your Ride
Do you want to know how to fix those annoying position problems? You have tried and tried but no matter what they just wont go away. I get it and you are not alone. These 11 rider position issues are called rider issues for a reason! They are common problems for...
How To Put A Foot Poultice On A Horse
If you own a horse it is more than likely you will have to put on a foot poultice at some time. Perhaps your horse got an abscess, or trod on a nail. Learning to apply a poultice is something every equestrian should know how to do. ...
How To Stabilize Your Lower Leg While Riding
I’m guessing if you are reading this you are probably looking for the solution to solve your swaying lower leg position. Believe me I understand. Despite decades of riding and years working hard to get my lower leg to remain quiet it took a lot of time and work (I...
5 Easy Ways To Get Your Horse Super Fit
No matter what type of riding you do with your horse, competition, or gentle pleasure riding, it is important your horse is fit for the type of work they are doing. A proper riding program is essential. Maybe you want to increase your horses level of fitness for...
When Do You NEED To De-worm Your Horse
To understand when to de-worm our horse, we need to understand the types of worms we’re dealing with. 1. WHAT TYPES OF WORMS ARE THERE? There are four main classes of parasites that we treat horses for: small strongyle large strongyle ascarids tapeworms 2. WHAT DOES...
29 Essentials For Your Equine First Aid Kit
Having an equine first aid kit is a necessity when you own a horse. If you don't have one you will NEED to put a kit together as soon as you can so you are prepared for emergencies. We have one for the barn and we have another for our horse trailer. The following...
The Pre-Purchase Vet Examination of a Horse
You have fallen in love with a horse and are seriously considering purchasing it! Before you commit you NEED to pay for a pre-purchase examination, also known as a P.P.E. All too many times I have met people who have opted not to get a vet check before purchasing and...
How Much Does It Cost To Keep A Horse?
When purchasing a horse most people think of the initial purchase price and forget about many of the costs that are involved with keeping a horse. The monthly expenses to keep your horse and the equipment it needs will far surpass the initial expense of purchasing...
33 Questions You MUST ASK When Purchasing A Horse
Buying a horse is a big decision, a big investment, and a long-term commitment both financially and most importantly, for you, the new owner. Once you are prepared, have a boarding place lined up, understand the financial obligations and are ready to look for your...
5 Reasons you NEED THIS Grooming Kit – You Wont Believe What It Does!
A grooming kit is a grooming kit, right? WRONG! Sure there are better quality ones, or ones for ponies, ones with softer hair brushes, ones with matching colors, or the more expensive lines. Having had numerous grooming kits for numerous horses over almost 50...
7 Things Owning A Horse Taught Me – Guest Blog
This is a guest blog by one of my students Mackenzie. An amazing article on how a young rider adapts and learns from owning her first horse! "I bought my first horse when I was 19 and nowhere near ready. I had been working in a barn when I fell in love with an OTTB...
11 Tips To Develop A Perfect Topline For Your Horse
Below are questions I get asked all the time. Your horses' topline is important in relation to his strength and ability to perform so these are important questions to answer. What is a poor topline on a horse? What is a good topline on a...
7 Winter Horse Riding Exercises to Keep Motivated
In colder winter climates like Canada, staying motivated to ride during the cold weather can be quite the challenge. Dealing with the cold takes some preparation and financial investment of insulated riding boots, winter breeches, extra warm gloves, warm socks, outer...


Latest posts by admin (see all)
- A Horse For All Reasons – Guest Blog by Lucy from Horse Factbook - April 8, 2020
- How To Deal With A Spooky Horse Trail Riding - March 31, 2020
- Our Top 20 Amazon Equestrian Products - January 30, 2020